Acts 2:1-13 | How Did God Plant His Church?


August 26th, 2018

51 mins 44 secs

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Sermon Notes

Preacher: Jeremiah Fyffe

  1. The Spirit of God upon the people of God declaring the Gospel of God
  2. THE SPIRIT FILLS THE HOUSE 1. v1 - When the day of Pentecost arrived 2. v1 - they were all together in one place 3. v2 - And suddenly there came … a sound 4. v3 - tongues as of fire 5. v4 - began to speak in other tongues
  3. TWO AMAZEMENTS 1. v7 - Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? 2. v11 - the mighty works of God 3. v13 - But others mocking said …

Martyn Lloyd-Jones
It seems to me to be simply ludicrous to suggest that such men, without learning, without any influence or authority, without any money behind them, with none of the means of propaganda that we are familiar with today, that such men by their own efforts and abilities could succeed in doing what we read of in the pages of this book. How did it come about? There is only one answer. The world was turned upside-down not because of what they did, but because of what God did to them, in them, and by means of them. And that is the essential message concerning the Christian church—her meaning, her function, her message, her purpose.

There is nothing, no matter how full of wonder, that may not be turned into a joke by men and women who are indifferent to God.

Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Any notion that Christianity is mainly the result of something that we do is always completely, fatally wrong.